android mediacodec nv12

Information about the Android MediaCodec class, with sample code. ... Last update: 2016-06-08 Overview Samples FAQ This page is about the Android MediaCodec class, which can be used to encode and decode audio and video data.

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  • Android MediaCodec can be used to decode output yuv420 format. I guess it should be NV12 f...
    android - MediaCodec decoder 1080p output yuv format - Stack ...
  • Information about the Android MediaCodec class, with sample code. ... Last update: 2016-06...
    Android MediaCodec stuff - Big Flake
  • This page is about the Android MediaCodec class, which can be used to encode and decode au...
    Android MediaCodec stuff - Eric_II - 博客园
  • 原文地址 Android MediaCodec stuff 这篇文章是关于 MediaCodec 这一系列类,它主要是用来编码和解码音视频数据。并且包含了一些源码示
    Android MediaCodec 编解码详解及 demo - Android - 掘金 ...
  • android MediaCodec 可用于解码输出 yuv420 格式。我猜它应该是 NV12 格式, 但当我尝试在 Nexus6 7.1.1 设备。结果非常陌生: 为视频, 它...
    android-MediaCodec 解码器1080p 输出 yuv 格式 - 广瓜网 ...
  • 本篇文章记录一下,android调用mediacodec编码camera回掉的YUV数据为h264的方法。 ... 另外,我选择了YUV420SP作为编码的目标颜色空间,其实YUV...
    android编码h264(二):MediaCodec 硬编码 h264(硬编码) - ...
  • 网上有很多android平台关于mediacodec编码yuv数据为H264数据出现帧率过低的问题 主要是 在while (isRuning) 中有NV21ToNV12 ... ...
    Android:关于mediacodec编码camera yuv数据帧率过低的问题 - 移 ...
  • I agree about it being device specific. However, it seems that MediaCodec already document...
    Media codec + render to surface : androiddev
  • MediaCodec class can be used to access low-level media codecs, i.e. encoder/decoder compon...
    MediaCodec | Android Developers
  • I'm trying to get this to work on Android 4.1 (using an upgraded Asus Transformer tabl...
    video streaming - Encoding H.264 from camera with Android Me ...